What are the common character traits of toppers?
March 13, 2019 10:38:20 PM IST
Every day you come across numerous comparisons between the topper of your class and your performance. While it is easy to understand that not everyone can become a topper because there’s only one top position available on the charts, trying to become one never hurts anyone. At least, you can try to gain some skills that will enable you to become a great student and not just an average one.
Hard and Smart Work
It takes real hard work and smart tactics to become a topper. If hard work would have been the only element for success, wouldn’t you think the king of the jungle would have been a different animal? It requires you to take smart steps in order to reach closer to your overall goal. If you wish to emerge successful in your career and win accolades everywhere, you better get ready to sacrifice everything you’ve got. In this article, we are going to analyze the toppers around the country and figure out the secret sauce for success. If you are one of the aspirants of the top position for whatever you do in your life, make sure that you utilize every character traits shared here. Let’s get started.
Pre-planning your tasks
Planning is the key to success, no matter what your profession is. If there’s something common among the champions is their eagerness to work early and plan ahead of time. They don’t wait for the last moment to mug up the immense syllabus. Irrespective of your subject, you should also implement early planning into your schedule. If this is your first day of the new semester, make sure that you mark all the important topics in advance and start preparing for the final exam. Always remember that people who start preparing way ahead of time are the ones to achieve unbelievable success early on.
Value time
Time is probably the most valuable asset one can ever have. The only difference between a successful student and an average one is that the former understands the value of time. An average topper prepares a timetable and more importantly, sticks to it no matter what the circumstances demand. Even if they have a birthday party to attend, they ensure that all the work is completed before they leave their house. As mentioned earlier, it takes a lot of sacrifices to reach the position toppers deserve. In the end, it’s the journey that matters more than the results. So, ensure that you make your journey worthy enough to be remembered as a legend.
Self-discipline is mandatory
The above-mentioned points wouldn’t be possible without an adequate amount of self-discipline. Without self-discipline, reaching the topmost position is as hard as an instance where smokers are asked to climb Mount Everest. In both cases, chances are that the candidate would fail to reach the position even if they start well. Success, especially topping the examination charts is not a one-time affair. It is neither a key to overnight success. It takes 364 days of intense preparation to reach the top position at the end of the year. Discipline is the key to any kind of success. Whether you are willing to become the student of the year or eyeing on that sports medal at your college’s inter-departmental competition, you will need self-discipline. It’s better to start developing this particular quality if you really want to reach the top rank, and more importantly, hold your position for a long time.
Understanding vs. Memorizing
The biggest problem that the students of our generation make is that they emphasize on memorizing theories and other lessons. Instead, they should focus on understanding the lessons. With understanding, lots of real-life problems can be solved without the need of referring to any textbook. In most cases of memorizing, when the question is slightly changed, the average student would find the topic extremely difficult. In spite of learning it, that student is bound to fail. The reason for this is that people who pay more attention to memorizing are the ones to get confused by slight changes in the questions. In contrast, if you understand the simple logic behind addition, multiplication, subtraction, etc. you can easily calculate bigger numbers without inviting any panic. Therefore, make sure that you understand every line that you read.
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