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This is a custom CMS block displayed if category is empty.You can replace it with any custom content.
Click 'Register' on the top right corner of the page and you will see a registration form. This will take you hardly 2 minutes to fill up. Just submit your information, verify your mobile number and enjoy the various benefits of being a Job’N’CareerBay member.
Mobile number - Is it compulsory?
Yes, the mobile number is needed to verify and complete your registration and also ensure account safety.
How do I edit my profile on Job’N’CareerBay?
Editing your Job’N’CareerBay account profile information is very simple.
Can I update the email id?
Email id cannot be changed as it is mapped to your account at the time of registration. However, you can choose to add your alternate email id in your ‘Personal Information’ section. The other option is to simply create a new Job’N’CareerBay account with your new email id that you wish to use.
How do I change my password?
To change your password, Go to your account homepage and click 'Settings'. Now you can change or replace your new password and save.
How do I update my mobile number?
Go to your ‘Profile’ page, click ‘Edit’ (top right corner) on the ‘Personal Information’ section and then change your new mobile number. Please remember to click ‘Save’.
How do I update profile details?
You can update your profile information divided into four sections – Personal Information, Educational Background, Work Experience (if applicable) and Communication Settings.
How to update communication preferences?
You can change or update your ‘Communication Preferences’ under ‘Settings’ to start or stop receiving email notifications from Job’N’CareerBay. This is useful mail, especially delivered to your inbox to serve your information needs such as college application deadlines, exam dates, prep tips etc. based on your profile. In case you no longer need this service, you may uncheck the box under ‘Communication Preferences’.
How do I update my profile photo?
Update Photo option is seen if you point the mouse over your profile photo box. You can select this and upload your image.
Is all information compulsory to create my profile?
No. Apart from your full name, mobile no. and email id, the rest of the fields are optional. However, the page asks for only the necessary information and adding these details will help create a complete profile page for you and help us cater to your information needs better.
What privacy settings do I have for my Profile?
You have adequate control over your Job’N’CareerBay profile privacy. The fields that have a privacy icon (eye) next to them can be set on or off by you to show or hide those details from public view.
To search for any particular college or educational course, simply enter the name of the institution in the search box available on the Job’N’CareerBay’s homepage. As you start typing, you'll see a dropdown, you can select the name of your desired course/college from this menu as well. The other way is to search for colleges by categories - MBA, Engineering, Design, Architecture, Aviation, Law, IT and Other Courses - shown on the navigation bar on top of the page. There is an option to select Study Abroad as well. Under each of these respective categories, you can search - Popular Courses, Colleges by Location, Top Colleges and even Compare Colleges.
Our platform is specially created to guide students aspiring to study abroad. It offers up-to-date and very useful information at the country level for colleges, courses, exams required, funding options, application process, visa requirements, etc. One can select colleges by course and by the stream for bachelors and masters. Choose from the listings and click on the college or university you want to study in for more information. You will also find interesting articles on study related topics along with Student Guides, College Application and Visa Guides for Popular Study Abroad countries.
Deciding the right career path can be a tricky affair. Our platform helps you choose a suitable stream right after XII - Science/Commerce/Humanities or Arts - as per your aptitude and liking. It opens up a world of career options before you, where you can read about a career, its job profile, career opportunities, eligibility for the course and where to seek admission to study.
Get expert guidance
It's easy to decide on a mall where you would like to hang out or a cafe where you would like to go with friends. However, when it comes to deciding the right college or course, we know it's quite a task. So, 'Job’N’CareerBay Experts' or 'Job’N’CareerBay Counselors' will help and guide you in making the right decision. For example: If you ask them - which course should I opt for? Or which college is best for animation & multimedia? etc., they will try to give you the best possible advice. The best part is that you can contact with consultants on our platform and get hold of top-notch services. You can ask your questions as well.
News and articles will keep you up-to-date and well informed about all your education-related information needs. You can check the news for entrance exam dates, application deadlines, changes in exam pattern, etc. while articles offer you an interesting range of topics to read from topper interviews and exam prep tips to college life and new and upcoming courses and careers and much more.
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