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We,” JobNcareerbay” is a team of seasoned

professional from various backgrounds dedicated

to redefine the way education sector is served.

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Colleges with Future

More than 500 Consultants have joined us last month

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Education is the pillar on which the future of our country stands strong. And effective educational consultants form the perfect bridge between the youth and their career, thus facilitating a favorable environment for the country’s progress. But we understand that an educational consultant faces more problems in the educational ecosystem more than any other participants of the ecosystem. Sourcing candidates are the biggest challenge they face. Besides once the admission process is completed, there’s no guarantee if your client would pay you your fees. Therefore, consultants often run at a risk of financial loss even after offering high-quality stressful services.

We understand how it feels. And so, we have introduced a never seen before platform that will transform the way of our educational system functions.

Add Unlimited Courses On Your Mini-Website

Your profile is a mini-website that you can customize to attract more students. We help you take your consulting business to the next level. Take advantage of our state of the art advertising platform to reach out to more students


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Why Us?

Job’N’CareerBay was developed keeping the requirements of the educational consultants in mind. From now, you don’t have to run everywhere to source your new admission project. Simple log into Jobncareerbay and choose from our wide catalog. We bring you the DATA, the INFRASTRUCTURE, STATE-OF-THE-ART online system. Now, it’s your talent that will be rewarded.

Really Easy to Setup and Customize